Thursday, 27 September 2012

2.Identify and Sort



So I think the five most important elements of this book are: characters, setting, theme, and conflict. (I have to complete..)

-The story takes place in Manhattan and Harlem, New York city, mostly in a city lockup, but sometimes in the neighborhood where Steve Harmon lives.

-Steve, O'Brien, Briggs, Petrocelli, King, The Judge, Jose, Zinzi, Blden, Bobo Evans, Cruz.

- Introspection: Steve must come to terms with his own identity. He accomplishes this throughout the novel in his journal entries which he makes during his time in jail awaiting trial.
Peer Pressure: This theme is the basis for how he ended up in his current situation. Had he not given into the peer pressure by James King he wouldn’t have been involved with the robbery that led to the death of the store clerk.
Humanity: Steve is called a "monster" by the Prosecutor at the beginning of the novel and Steve grapples with the question of whether or not he is monstrous for his actions in the robbery. He is constantly reflecting upon this in his journal entries. The word can also be found scribbled faintly and scratched out on pages of the novel itself.

-The main conflict in "Monster" is was he in the wrong place at the wrong time.

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